Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Slight Delay

Yeah, yeah, so I haven't posted in a while. That is not because I haven't been busy. In fact, it has been the exact opposite. I have recently released the Bonedaddy Halloween Spooktakular, (3rd in a series of limited issues) which I hope to get up for sale in the store soon.
I've also been extremely busy on the freelance end of things; be sure to check out the latest Thursday issues of B Free Daily for the new Overheards.
Look for another post soon, as I hope to have an updated store by then. Thanks for checking in.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Two More Overheards

Two more "Overheards" for everyone's enjoyment; one by Marcie J. Orzewicz, the other by Cori Farris-Levine. Look for them in Thursday's issues of the B!

(Click on image to enlarge)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

New Overheard - The Water Cycle

Another Overheard. Yep...this REALLY happened.

You can't write this shit.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Overheard Clarification

It completely slipped my mind that not everyone is up to speed on what exactly these "Overheard" comics are all about. Benn Ray, (owner of Atomic Books) supplies me or other artists with a piece of dialogue that had been overheard in the city of Baltimore, by him or someone else who submitted it. All true, real scenarios. These pieces are featured in every Thurday issue of B Free Daily Paper. Below were the last two that I have recently done.

New Overheards for B Free Daily Paper

New Overheards for Baltimore's B the Paper...
(click to enlarge)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

WHAM!! New Mini

Slap! New mini comic finished!

How does he!?!? This one was an idea I had been kicking around in the old melon for a while now, leaning toward making it into a children's book, (which I will probably still do) but when Benn Ray asked me for a mini to submit for this year's Free Comic Book Day giveaway, I had to submit this. That's right, I will again be appearing in Mutant #1, for Free Comic Book Day. Be sure to stop by Atomic if you are in the neighborhood, you won't be disappointed by this year's giveaway. If you can't make it in, or order one online, and you really need to know how T-rex brushes his teeth with such short arms, I will have minis available in my store. (These will have colored covers, and I may even have a small limited run of screen-printed covers for the hopeful collector. (By hopeful I mean someone who thinks I may hit it big one day, and they can sell this mini off for their retirement fund...or just a close friend). Enough of that nonsense, here is a preview of the comic.

Stop salivating. Go buy one.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Behold...FAN ART!

- A while back, I had given a one of my "Bonedaddy" minicomics to my little cousin Jimmy. He seemed really excited about it, and my aunt went on about how it was is favorite comic book, (It was only a 4" x 5" 12 page mini.) So I gave him Bonedaddy 2 and 3, as well as the Halloween special. Needless to say, he was overjoyed, and to show his appreciation, I received this in the mail...

"Skateboarding Skeleton" Jimmy Onorato- Age 7

Awesome. Totally awesome. Look at Bonedaddy tearing up that half-pipe. He even got the hat! He tells me he had trouble drawing the bomb, so he put our emaciated hero in a fashionable new cossed-bones tee. Needless to say, this pretty much made my year, and gave me a kick in the ass to get back to work on some new Bonedaddy material. I'll be trying to get a new story going in the near future. I'll say I'm going to post the progress here, but I doubt I'll be diligent about it. Oh well... until next time...

"Bonedaddy" Ryan Onorato - Age 22 (At time of drawing)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Feast for your eyes...

Hey everybody,

for those who were awaiting the finished Munny figure, let thou eyes feast. The only one that is ever going to exist. If you want it, contact Benn Ray at Atomic Books for purchasing info. You should also check out some of the other Munny figures from the show while you're at the site. Be back sometime in the near future with another useless post.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Vinylmore 3...MUNNYLAND

We'll be there. Stop by, enjoy the show. You WON'T be disappointed.
I'll get a pic up of mine as soon as he is done. Down to the wire as usual.

For more info go to

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


That's right!
We were chosen to appear in the show! I'll post more details about it as they come, but be sure to check it out! The final version of this piece WILL be one of the ones for sale. Yep, you can actually own a Ryan Onorato ORIGINAL piece. Only one of these little guys will ever be known to exist!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Vinylmore 3 Idea

Hey everyone,

I have been asked to apply for the Vinylmore 3 show at Atomic Books again this year. For those who aren't familiar with the show, Atomic Books asks various artists to submit a DIY toy, and has a massive show displaying all of them. For more info, check out Due to the volume of last year's show, this year artists have to "apply" for the show, as it is a juried exhibition. Here is what I came up with, hopefully it will be able to be developed passed the "sketch" stages. Keep your fingers crossed for me, if chosen, I'll post pictures of the finished painted figure- but if you are in the Baltimore area go to the show and see it / me in person!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Cheers to the official launch of Ryan Onorato Illustration!

3 Cheers for the launch of Ryan Onorato's blog!

It'll be jolly good.