- A while back, I had given a one of my "Bonedaddy" minicomics to my little cousin Jimmy. He seemed really excited about it, and my aunt went on about how it was is favorite comic book, (It was only a 4" x 5" 12 page mini.) So I gave him Bonedaddy 2 and 3, as well as the Halloween special. Needless to say, he was overjoyed, and to show his appreciation, I received this in the mail...

"Skateboarding Skeleton" Jimmy Onorato- Age 7
Awesome. Totally awesome. Look at Bonedaddy tearing up that half-pipe. He even got the hat! He tells me he had trouble drawing the bomb, so he put our emaciated hero in a fashionable new cossed-bones tee. Needless to say, this pretty much made my year, and gave me a kick in the ass to get back to work on some new Bonedaddy material. I'll be trying to get a new story going in the near future. I'll say I'm going to post the progress here, but I doubt I'll be diligent about it. Oh well... until next time...
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