Thursday, June 21, 2012

Cleanup on Aisle 6 - A New Overheard

Here is a new Overheard done for the B, overheard by Benn Ray in a Giant Supermarket. Enjoy!

(Click to enlarge)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Trains, Planes & Automobiles

Let's get one thing straight: I hate drawing cars. HATE them. And they are only one on a list of things I hate drawing. What else is on the list? Of course I can't think of any at the moment, but I can say that trees and plants aren't far behind.

But I do like to take on the challenge of drawing things I know I don't like, because eventually, I will have to draw them. Such was the case at work last month. I needed to draw up some concept pieces for a project we are doing here, which I can't elaborate on too much just yet, but let's just say that it will be available to the public for purchase. I needed to draw up a Mustang, Challenger, and Camaro. These drawings went through several rounds of changes, (more so the paint schemes) but this is what we finally ended up on.

(Click to Enlarge)

So there you have it. This post will have updates following, when I am able to divulge more about what you are looking at.

The moral of this post? My fellow artists, always draw everything. You never know when you will be called upon to take on something out of the blue that may not particularly be your strong suit. It would be much better to take the job than to have to decline, no?

Thursday, June 7, 2012

From the Depths - Weathered Robo Munny

This will probably be the last one for the "From the Depths" bit for a little while.

This one is actually the first one I did, I'm sure that is obvious by its crude appearance. I'm pretty sure if you look closely enough you can see some fingerprints where I had picked it up before the paint was completely dry. It is a good thing I am not a fine artist or painter, because I certainly have no patience.

Haha, anyway, here was the first in my journey in the mini-munny world.

(Click to Enlarge)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Team Battle Flag

So yes, for  those of you who don't know, I have a full-time, 8-5 job, as a Senior Graphic Designer. At this job, there are about a dozen of us in the marketing department that are actually responsible for creative assets for the company.

Not too long back, the assistant VP thought it would be a neat idea to break us up into "teams"; pairing us off with someone else who they thought we would benefit and reach our peak creatively with. Now of course, it came to fruition that we would have team "names", which would then lead to logos, and eventually battle flags for the job tracker board. 

I was teamed up with Jerry who said we should be the "Zombies - Killer Creatives". We all kind of snickered and went about the meeting. But the wheels were already turning in the ol' noggin, and I had set to work making our flag...which turned out something like this:

(Click to Enlarge)

Yep. I figured, why not use my illustration prowess to gain the leg up on the competition?

Nothing wrong with that...right?

From the Depths...Scuba Munny!

Here is the Mini-Munny I had done the year before. This one definitely came "from the depths!"

(Click to Enlarge)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

From the Depths - DIY Kidrobot Mini-Munny

Hey Good People,

I posted a piece about "portfolio cleanout" last week some time. Or maybe the week before. I had a few other pieces that are now in a sense, "from the depths", an ongoing bit I plan to do on here.

Atomic Books used to run a show entitled "Vinylmore"; in which various artists were contacted and asked to donate a piece. The only rules were that it had to be one of the DIY templates by Kidrobot. 

I had taken part in the show three years, and I thought it would be kind of cool to post my final pieces on here, since it will be much easier than finagling a "3-D" section of my website. Here was the last one I had done...

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