So yes, for those of you who don't know, I have a full-time, 8-5 job, as a Senior Graphic Designer. At this job, there are about a dozen of us in the marketing department that are actually responsible for creative assets for the company.
Not too long back, the assistant VP thought it would be a neat idea to break us up into "teams"; pairing us off with someone else who they thought we would benefit and reach our peak creatively with. Now of course, it came to fruition that we would have team "names", which would then lead to logos, and eventually battle flags for the job tracker board.
I was teamed up with Jerry who said we should be the "Zombies - Killer Creatives". We all kind of snickered and went about the meeting. But the wheels were already turning in the ol' noggin, and I had set to work making our flag...which turned out something like this:
(Click to Enlarge)
Yep. I figured, why not use my illustration prowess to gain the leg up on the competition?
Nothing wrong with that...right?
Nothing wrong with that...right?
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